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Significant LNG Project in Qatar Looks to Add Supermajors as Partners

Qatar Energy recently stated that it is holding a press conference on June 12, and this has been anticipated by some as a potential announcement that the massive North Field East LNG project would be adding new partners to the upcoming offshore project.

The companies under some level of consideration to join the North Field East project are believed to be Exxon Mobil, TotalEnergies, Shell and ConocoPhillips. Qatar Energy had initially chosen to develop this estimated $28.75 billion USD export project alone but had also shown interest in opening bids to outside companies to share the load for this venture.

The North Field Expansion (NFE) development plan includes six mega liquefied natural gas (LNG) trains intended to increase Qatar’s liquefaction capacity from 77 MMtpy to 126 MMtpy  mtpa over two phases. 

Phase One is expected to increase capacity by 43% from 77 MMtpy to 110 MMtpy by 2025. The second phase, called the North Field South Project (NFS), will further increase the production capacity from 110 MMtpy to 126 MMtpy for a total 64% increase by the end of 2027.

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