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ExxonMobil and SABIC Mechanically Completes Gulf Coast Petrochemical Project

ExxonMobil and Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, also known as SABIC, jointly announced this week that their Gulf Coast Growth Ventures (GCGV) project near Corpus Christi, Texas has officially reached mechanical completion status. The partners stated that this success will put startup ahead of schedule and intended by the end of the year.

The GCGV is based around a 1.8 MMtpy ethane steam cracker, a 1.1 MMtpy monethylene glycol unit, and twin polyethylene units with a combined production capacity of 1.3 MMtpy. These units have been designed to produce essential chemicals used in medical products such as medicine containers, the automotive industry with coolants and part construction, and a variety of packaging needs by way of high-performance plastics.   

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